Discovering Your Purpose

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We all have a purpose, a reason we are here.  We have felt it from day one.  We may have discovered it as an adolescent, but then let adulthood rob us of who we were meant to be/do.  Or perhaps we never had the guts to discover our purpose or else we just may have to do something about it and be made to come out of our comfort zone.  I believe it is the key to finding happiness and that you should not wait one more second to discover your purpose.

We have all at some point felt lost, unhappy, discontent.  It is why I started reading and writing about happiness and The Law of Attraction.  These feelings occur because you are longing to live your life with purpose.  You are meant to experience a certain life and it is time you discover what that life should look and feel like.

So how do you go about doing this? I have discovered my purpose by asking.  “Ask who?”, you may say.  Well, yourself of course.  I have found that by meditating, doing affirmations, and visualizing what I want my life to look like has been part of this “asking” process. I have put the following questions out there and have discovered that I was meant to help others with my writing.  I do this now as my purpose and have been on a natural high ever since.

First question being – Who am I?

Am I creative, analytical, am I a giver, a leader etc.?  You deep down know who you are but if you have trouble figuring out what type of person you are there are sites you can go to that will help you decipher what personality type you are.

2nd question – What makes me happy?

Does being outdoors make you happy? Do animals make you happy? Do you love numbers? Do you love working with your hands or your brains? Write down as many questions and answers as you can, you will soon see a pattern.

3rd question- How can I do more of what makes me happy?

Find ways to incorporate those things that make you happy in your everyday life.  You may find a way to make money doing it! Bonus. Regardless start doing those things that make you happy.  Start being honest with yourself, if you love the outdoors why in the world are you torturing yourself with a job that sticks you in a cubicle all day long.  If you loathe numbers and mathematics then why are you in a job that deals with numbers and mathematics? Time to let the truth out.  Now does this mean that you should quit your day job today? Uh, no.  It means start today discovering what you should be doing and start working towards those goals that will get you there.  Doing this changes the game, finding your purpose and starting to work on it will change your life as you know it.  No more dreading getting up to go to your job.  No more endless days of walking around like a zombie in a numb vegetative state.  It is time to LIVE!!!

Once you start doing the above start listening for the answers that WILL come to you.  Your inner self will let you know what you want and what you need to do.  Ideas will start popping out of that noggin of yours left and right.  Trust yourself and the ideas that are coming to you and  get to doing.  Do not hesitate, do no worry about the how, just move forward with it.  Finally, get excited, do not be discouraged if you fail, if it is your purpose it will be.  Ask, believe and you will receive.


Thank you for reading.  Please share this post on Facebook, Tweet on Twitter or Pin It on Pinterest.  Also I love feedback, feel free to comment.

Carol Hays – Creator of The Happy Dance Experiment


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