
But Mom, I Don’t Want to Meditate

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Meditation.  Why does the thought of meditating freak people out? Is it the wonderful feeling of peace? Is it the ability to slow your thoughts down? Is it the powerful feeling you get when you are able to be “in the now”? Why, I wonder?

Truth is it freaked me out too not so long ago.  I imagined I would have to be in a dark room with candles, incense lit, with a little Buddha statue in front of me as I hum cross legged with my eyes closed.  It just wasn’t for me, at least that version of meditating wasn’t.  To each his or her own of course.

So for many years now I have neglected this wonderful tool to reach a positive happy state.  There is a saying “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”.  I decided it was time to stop the insanity.

So many books I have read on happiness and the Law of Attraction have mentioned the importance of meditation, I couldn’t ignore it any longer.  I decided to exit my comfort zone and meditate and I haven’t looked back since.  Great things happen when you have the balls to step out of that comfy and cozy zone we create for ourselves as a matter of fact another thing I have been learning throughout this process is if it scares you, you should probably be doing it.  With that I implore you to give it a try.  It may be hard at first but make the time and research tips and tricks on meditating. Remember this is for you, you may feel silly at first but you will soon start to enjoy and start looking forward to it.

To get you started here are a few tips that I have found helpful.

  1. This may be a no brainer but find a quiet spot where you can be alone.  I find getting up a bit earlier and sitting outside to be my favorite.  I have a great spot on our back patio that is perfect.
  2. Go on YouTube and search meditations.  Be sure to save your favorite ones, they can end up getting lost in the shuffle.  Also be sure to have some ear buds or headphones if you go this route.  You will want to find some you like the day before you start meditating.  Music and voices I like may irritate the piss out of you so find ones you like now so that you don’t lose any of that precious meditating time or just end up frustrated with the whole process.
  3. Learn how to breathe from your gut instead of your lungs.
  4. You don’t have to be in a crossed legs pose but do practice good posture.
  5. If you decide to go the no assistance route, meaning no YouTube guided meditation then find your quiet spot, sit with good posture, focus on your breathing being sure to breathe deep and when thoughts come to you (which they will) recognize them and then let them go.  I simply say in my mind “I see you and let you go”.  Don’t battle your thoughts just let them come and pass.  As time goes on you will be able to go longer periods of time without a thought.

I suggest trying 10 mins at first and add on a minute or two each day maxing out at around 20 mins.

I would love to hear from you if you have other tips when meditating.

Meditating is a great stress reliever, it helps you to learn how to gain control of your thoughts and is a great way to start your day.  As you get more comfortable you can use the meditating throughout your day as needed.

We are always talking about wanting a healthy body, it is due time that we also want a healthy mind and meditating is a great exercise to obtain a fit and healthy mind.

Happy Meditating!


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Carol Hays – Creator of The Happy Dance Experiment