losing weight

Does This Positive Thinking Make My Butt Look Big?

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With this blog post I am diving into our minds and how they can affect our body.  Positive affirmations, just as with anything else in our lives, will rewire our way of thinking in regards to our bodies.

First let’s talk about the negative affirmations we throw out there everyday when it comes to the subject of our bodies.  “I feel so fat today, Ugh my butt looks big in these jeans, If only I were as skinny as they are” are a few examples.  No one knows how to tear us down better than ourselves.

Wow, that last sentence really hit home for me.  It’s like it typed itself.  Why is it that we are determined to tear ourselves down? Is it to beat other people to the punch? Is it out of fear? Is it a lack of love for ourselves? I believe it to be all of these, but the one, the one that can make or break anything and everything in accordance to our lives is love.  Love or then again lack of love for ourselves is the issue.  The ultimate key to a happy existence is love.

Many of you may say, “I love myself, you are wrong saying I do not”.  If you truly and deeply loved yourself you would treat the vessel that you are carrying around like a temple.  You would nourish it with healthy foods, you would exercise it so that it is in prime condition to deal with everyday activity, you would tell it you love it with positive words, thoughts and feelings.  If you are anything like me, you don’t.

Imagine this for a second, if you will.  I want you to think about someone you love with all of your heart, be it your spouse, a child, a parent.  Any of these will work.  Now imagine you doing to them what you do to yourself everyday.  Imagine telling them they are fat, telling them they can’t do it, telling them they are limited in life, telling them they are not worthy to be happy.  This is what we do to ourselves everyday.  This is not love.  If we wouldn’t do it to someone else why on earth do we do it to ourselves.

I for one think it is a defense mechanism.  If I lower my standards of myself than the outside world can’t hurt me.  This thinking is devastating and will never give you the life you want and deserve. That is right.  You deserve a happy, loving and fulfilling life and it starts with you learning to deeply and unequivocally love yourself.

I want you to go to a mirror (if you have a smart phone use the camera to do this), look yourself in the eye and tell yourself, “I am beautiful, I am worthy of love, I am a magnificent person, I LOVE YOU”. Yes I want you to tell yourself that you, love you.  I realize how odd it feels to do this.  How corny it seems however I am telling you it is essential.  If I told you, hey there is something you can do that is very easy and it will change your life in ways you can’t even imagine, without me telling you what it was I wanted you to do I guarantee you would say “I am in, what is it?”.  So let go of your inhibitions and just do it.

Change your thinking change your life.  Love yourself.  Do it by nourishing your body with healthy foods that strengthen you, do it by consuming water that hydrates you, do it by exercising those muscles that hold you, do it by strengthening your mind with positive loving thoughts about your body.

Thanks for reading! Please send me your feed back by commenting.  I love hearing from you!

Carol Hays